

Neurociência e Recrutamento

Até aos anos 80 do século passado, julgava-se que o cérebro estagnava ao chegar à idade adulta, a quantidade de neurónios seria a mesma até ao fim da vida e durante esse tempo morriam muitos deles, servia a célebre frase "Burro velho não aprende línguas."

Felizmente descobriu-se que o cérebro é capaz de alterar a sua estrutura, para se adaptar a novas circunstâncias, ou novos ambientes, assim como a capacidade constante de aprendizagem.


Trends in the Recruitment and Selection Process

The area of human resources focuses on people management, and it is becoming more popular each day, especially on social media. Little by little, companies are realizing the enormous contribution the HR area has in the global success of the company.

Historically, it was seen as a more bureaucratic area, not very oriented to results and with small relevance in the company’s strategy. However, nowadays its potential is huge and companies recognize it is a fundamental piece in creating a stable and successful business in the long term.


Academic Burnout

These days, the word "burnout" is present in many news headlines… And it is never for good reasons. But, what is burnout?

This condition is characterized by both physical and emotional negative reactions to task overwhelm. However, burnout isn’t only a punctual feeling of frustration, but a prolonged state of tiredness and demotivation.


The ABC of Group Dynamics

Everybody knows that recruitment processes are stressful and can make us feel that we are not good enough. Thus, it is important to keep a positive attitude.


3 good reasons to invest in networking

Whether you like it or not, we are pretty sure you have heard the concept of “networking” a couple of times, which is to create a set of relationships that may be mutually beneficial in the future.

Throughout this article, we will explain to you the importance of having a solid network. However, we won’t stop there: we will also give you a few pieces of advice to build your own and learn how to use those contacts for professional benefits.


How to improve your résumé

The concept of a "good" résumé is very subjective. The features and aspects that some believe to be the most suitable for a particular position/function in a company or a group of companies may not have the same recognition and impact in, for example, companies of different economic activities.

Despite the above, certain parameters are essential and mandatory for the construction of a good CV. And it is precisely these that we will address in this publication.


3 tips to prepare for an interview

A job interview is an important time when looking for a job, be it the first or the tenth, so it requires some prior preparation.

Throughout this article, we will explain to you how to prepare for a job interview, give you some advice and anticipate what you might encounter.